Upi u is a left branch of Mukajai river near Serra Estrutura. Delineates the beginning of Moxiatëtëma territory. The photographic registers of the wall of vegetation belongs to the left margin of Mukajai river till the ending of this territory. Contacted close yanomami communities refers this territory as an alien one. The massive forest makes not possible to enter the place. It functions as a limit, as a visual, political and epistemological border. In a way is the realization of the word Moxiatëtëma. In a way registering this wall with a camera is registering the body of a word, the body of the division that the name implies. W.F. Talbot took a large amount of photographs of cuneiform texts. His images had an arqueological and linguistic purpose, but secretly contained a hidden paradox between writing and photography. Registering the immediate body of a dividing word —of a border—, of the word Moxiatëtëma, locates the language and the camera in the political geography of the limit of colonialism. Here the word Moxiatëtëma is unpronounceable, but shows its visibility.
* Contacted and isolado communities: Funai (Fundaçao Nacional do Indio) defines an isolado community (100 barely proved communities) as an aborigine group that has no contact with the Occident. Isolation implies denying any kind of exchange (visual, symbolic or material) with occidental or contacted aborigine subjects. An isolado reacts, disappearing inside the forest, fleeing or attacking the relationship itself. Contact politics have changed along the process of Amazonas colonization. At the present time, none isolated community could be forced to be contacted. Its location in a territory has legal consequences: the use and decisions of the surface of the land occupied by an aborigine proved community owns to the community. Legally, nothing could be decided about this land without their permission. That’s why the impossibility of forced contact and the verifying of their existence acquire political and epistemological consequences. An isolado is a constant-unregistered body, or a body in a constant flee, in a constant deregistration. Noting their existence makes necessary to use indirect or blind evidences (abandoned objects or tapiris, footprints and markings). These weak facts sustain the statute of political reality where they are found.